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Home » Blog » How to ensure the proper handling and storage of membrane filters to prevent damage?

Membrane filters are indispensable tools in many laboratory applications, from filtration, separation, and purification processes to water purification processes. To extend their effectiveness and extend their lifespan, it’s crucial that they are handled and stored correctly – this guide outlines best practices for doing just that.


Finding the Right Filter

Select the Appropriate Filter

Selecting an appropriate membrane filter for your specific task is of great importance. From 10kDa amplicon ultra centrifugal filters to nylon membrane syringe filters, ensure they match up perfectly with what your needs are.


Cleanliness Is Key: For optimal results, always start your workday off right by washing your hands and working in an environment free from contaminants that could impede filtration processes. Employ lab life principles to maintain an ideal working space.


Prior to use, carefully examine your filter for any signs of damage or defects such as cracks, irregularities, or signs of wear and tear. If any issues arise, discard them immediately.


Proper Installation: When placing the filter, ensure it fits securely within its housing or holder to prevent leaks or bypass. Ensure it firmly remains attached for maximum effectiveness and that no leaks occur during its usage.


Avoid Aggressive Solvents: Pay close attention to what type of solvents or substances you are filtering; certain filters like Teflon membrane filters may not be appropriate for filtering such aggressive substances.


Storage Guidelines

Protect Against Contaminants: Store membrane filters in airtight containers or packages in order to shield them from dust, moisture, and other sources of contamination. Ez-pak membrane filters may help preserve their integrity.


Temperature Control: To protect filter performance and extend their useful lifespan, maintain an ideal storage temperature. Extreme temperatures such as excessive heat or cold can alter their performance negatively and ceramic membrane filters require specific temperature conditions in order to operate at their best.


Avoid Direct Sunlight: For best results, keep filters away from direct sunlight and UV radiation, as extended exposure could degrade certain membranes, like cloud RO membranes.


Label and Date: It is important to label filters with important details, including their receipt date and any special storage instructions, in order to accurately track their shelf life and prolong their use. This will assist in monitoring their shelf life.


Rotate Stock: Employ a first-in, first-out (FIFO) system to ensure you use up the oldest filters first and reduce the risk of using expired ones.


Regular Maintenance

Conduct periodic inspections to monitor stored filters for signs of wear or degradation, particularly if they have been stored for extended periods. Replace any that show any indications of aging or degradation as soon as possible.


Documentation: Keep an accurate record of filter usage and storage conditions to assist with quality assurance and troubleshooting. This documentation also serves as a great aid when performing quality assurance testing or troubleshooting activities.


By following these best practices in handling and storing membrane filters, you can extend their lifespan and achieve consistent, reproducible results in your lab. No matter whether it’s phenomenex syringe filters, millex GP filters, or another membrane type; proper care must be taken for accurate results during your filtration processes.

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